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It Will All End In Tears: 1. Allen Stanford

Antigua is having a bad trot. Having suffered the humiliation of having a Test match at their wizbang new-ish Sir Vivian Richards Stadium being abandoned because of a dangerous playing surface, they now find that the Man Who Held The Antiguan Economy By The Short And Curlies is in deep trouble with the US legal system.


February 12 birthday call

Happy 200th birthday to that other great US president from Illinois, Abraham Lincoln.

It's also the bicentenary of one of the world's great scientists, Charles Darwin.

On a more personal note, February 12 would have been the 89th birthday of my Uncle Percy. He only saw, however, 22 of those years. Private Eyre was one of 1200 Australian soldiers who died in the Battle of El Alamein in October 1942.

But most importantly of all to me, happy 6th birthday Adara!


Australia's a bloody harsh continent to live in. If you live in or near bush you know that the risk of bushfire is always present, and that you need to plan for what to do in the event that a fire is approaching.

Meat Market Day, Part 2

Some news from Thursday's Wodonga cattle sales. "Stock and Land" newspaper reports that the heat wave kept prices down.

Offering a smaller than advertised yarding of 1,430 head, a distinct lack of northern orders was a feature of the sale. This resulted in a soft steer market of 150- 175c/kg lwt. Heifers fetched 140- 160c/kg lwt.


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