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Change we need in Palau

And a hearty congratulations to the President-Elect of Palau, Johnson Toribiong, after winning Tuesday's poll in the North Pacific republic. The outgoing vice-president, Elias Camsek Chin, conceded defeat on Friday.

The Pacific Magazine website has the latest unofficial count for the presidential, senate and lower house elections.

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Videos do dia: Mixing politics and Monday Night Football

According to Richard Sandomir in Tuesday's New York Times, only one man has gone to become US President after making an appearance in the Monday Night Football commentary box. That man was Ronald Reagan. According to Sandomir,

Secretaries of State who haven't endorsed John McCain

SENATOR McCAIN: ...I'm very, very happy to know that five former secretaries of state who I admire enormously--Henry Kissinger, Jim Baker, Larry Eagleburger, Al Hague--Jim Baker, Henry Kissinger, Al Hague, Larry Eagleburger and one other, and over 200 retired flag general--generals and admirals are supporting my campaign. I'm very proud of their support.

TOM BROKAW: Senator, we opened today with a--how you're doing in Iowa. The Des Moines Register has endorsed...

SENATOR McCAIN: George Shultz. George Shultz is the other one.

If I could vote, I'd vote for Obama

If the President of the United States is the "leader of the free world", then why don't the constituents of the free world get a vote?

In a nation where the electoral system is a veritable dog's breakfast, the election of a POTUS is the result of a mish-mash of (to mix animal metaphors) "first-past-the-post" systems. Which means that, unlike Australia, you can't allocate votes for your local POTUS Electoral Collegians on a preferential basis. It's all or nothing for the candidate of your choice.

Heaven's in the back seat of my Cadillac

Not just quote of the week, but a nominee for the 2008 Gold Rummy from New South Wales Premier, Nathan Rees, speaking about traffic congestion in a keynote address to the 9th World Congress of Metropolis in Sydney on October 23:

"Congestion is a concern for all Sydneysiders and if you think you are in traffic, you are in traffic. It's not a relative concept.

"It's like being in love. If you think you are in love, you are in love. If you think you are in traffic, you are in traffic."

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Youtube do dia: Diego Garcia, a fun place to be

This US Navy video shows what a great place Diego Garcia is for your next tour of duty. Unless, of course, you and your forebears lived there until 1971 when kicked out to make way for said militia. Hey, it's almost screaming out to host a remake of McHale's Navy...


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