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Vocabulary enhancement of the day: the number formerly known as six

It's no longer a six. It's a DLF Maximum. And we had to wait until the eighteenth over of the Mumbai innings for the first DLF Maximum of the 2009 Not-so-IPL, tonked by Abishek Nayar off Andrew Flintoff.

Not content with that, Nayar clubbed another two DLF Maximums (or is that DLF Maxima?) off Flintoff later that over.

And if that's not enough, Mark Bloody Nicholas was the commentator.

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The Not-so-IPL's first toilet break

Ten overs down in this funereally slow game of Indian domestic cricket being played in Cape Town. The Cleveland Mumbai Indians are 64 for 1 against the Chennai Sub Super Kings. And now we have the 7.5 minute toilet break... the Modi Mafia call it a "tactical time out", but it's really just an excuse to squeeze an extra five minutes of ads into each innings. Here in Australia it means more prattle from Huddo and Campbo on One Digital (part of the soon-to-go-bankrupt Channel Ten empire).

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Just another freaky Friday: Pakistan's loss and Afghanistan's gain

We're hours away from the opening of the 2009 Not-So-IPL. Australia has, shock horror, won an ODI against South Africa, and will choof off to the Home Of World Cricket which will host its first official one-day international next Wednesday.

Derailed again!

The New South Wales government is a walking, talking, collective schemozzle. A government that refuses to listen to, or at times even acknowledge, the voters who put them there. A government that is happy to coast incompetently knowing they they have the security blanket of a fixed four-year term of office that it is nigh on impossible to cut short. And the brashness of mind to think they they can be re-elected in 2011 because the Libs would be even worse.


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