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London Day Eight early edition: Stuff from Week One

It's one whole week since the opening of the Games of the Triple-x Olympiad. As that traditional Australian saying goes: There are no winners and losers, just silver medallists. Here are a few random items from the first seven days that I haven't previously mentioned:

Best use of Twitter since the last best use of Twitter

For @paulandstorm #kanyenewyorkertweets on TwitpicIn what is surely the finest use of social media since William Shatner performed the tweets of Sarah Palin on late night television, the 85 year-old cartoon archive of the New Yorker magazine has been revitalised, drawings recaptioned with the dee

Methinks the commish doth tweet too much

There is much I dislike about IPL Commissioner Lalit Kumar Modi, but one cannot doubt his eagerness to connect with his public via his chosen medium of Twitter. I personally appreciate the fact that he took the time to engage in conversation with me on Twitter last October over an op-ed piece of his that was published in the Times of India.


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