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OK so where's the podcast?

I promised when The Net Sessions began that I would try to keep to a minimum of one podcast a month. I didn't do a podcast in February. Sorry.

Busy, and frankly, a bit uninspired. Some of it has already been recorded, including a response to some of the feedback I have received. So maybe I'll get around to post-production next week.

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More rantings of a desperate treasurer

"There are countries that apply religious or Sharia law; Saudi Arabia and Iran come to mind. If a person wants to live under Sharia law, these are countries where they may feel at ease, but not Australia."

- Peter Costello, from an address to The Sydney Institute, 23.2.06 (source: AM, ABC)

GW Bush: Commander in chief, and cricket match person

A latent cricket fan, or an ignoramus about Indian culture (and, indeed, of non-American cinema)? You be the judge.

From the transcript of Bush 43's round table interview with Indian journalists in the White House last Wednesday:

Q Between a cricket match and a Bollywood movie, what would a --

THE PRESIDENT: Cricket match and a --

Year XXVII, Finals II and III, XI days after

For one reason or another, this is the first chance I have had to write up my thoughts on the VB Series finals. I'll turn this into a memory test, and not refer to any source material:

Australia won. Sri Lanka had the series in their grasp until Jayawardene grasped a half-volley off Ponting in Game Two.

More rantings of a clueless leader

Howard hits out at 'jihad' Muslims
(George Megalogenis/The Australian, 20.2.06)

Notwithstanding the fact that this article is really just pre-release publicity for a book The Australian is publishing to celebrate ten years of the JWH regime, the sheer ignorance of the man is mind-numbing.

Does he even have a clue what the term "jihad" really means?

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Irving Rosenwater 1932-2006

I was saddened to read the other day of the passing of Irving Rosenwater on January 30 at the age of 73.

Rosenwater was a noted statistician and historian on our game, and one of a handful to have become a recognisable name to the wider cricketing community. He was the scorer for BBC Television's cricket telecasts in the 1970s until he succumbed in 1977 to the twin temptations of Australian sunshine and the Packer dollar, becoming the official scorer for Channel 9's World Series Cricket coverage. He stayed with Nine into the 1980s as I recall.

Chamonix 1924 update

In late breaking news from the "International Sports Week 1924", which will one day be renamed the First Olympic Winter Games, we've just learned that Great Britain has won the gold medal for men's curling after it was realised that curling was an official sport in 1924 and did not attain demonstration status until St Moritz 1928.

Year XXVII boring? What about Year XXII

It's just about time to embark on the post-mortems for the 27th annual Australian ODI triseries. With this in mind, I thought it might be worthwhile to delve deep into the bowels of CricInfo archives and look at an exercise I conducted at the end of the 2000-01 tournament (the Carlton Series as it was called that year).


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