What the.... ?
How long before we see the ICC issue an emergency playing condition abolishing the five-run penalty in Test matches? Or will we finally see DB Hair despatched to an early retirement?
It will be Monday night before I get the chance to look into Sunday's festivities at The Oval a little more deeply, but for now, here's some background reading:
Fight no battle you are not sure of winning...
- Mao Tse Tung, from "The Present Situation and Our Tasks", 1947
It must have been the Good Chairman's words ringing in John Winston Howard's ears on Tuesday when he wimped out of putting his foul Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 before the Senate.

A tribute to another of the industrialised world's finest telecommunication institutions, the United Arab Emirates' Etisalat.
(Here's some further reading on the subject.)
Pluto's fate as a planet will be decided this week at the 26th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union in Prague.
The official website of the general assembly, astronomy2006.com, will be following the action this week. Monday's Guardian has an opinion piece by the director of Harvard University's Minor Planets Unit, arguing so it seems for the poaching of Pluto for his own organisation.
Police formed a ring around the Stop The Bombing Rally at Hyde Park, Sydney on August 12, 2006. They had nothing to do.
I took some footage of the Stop The Bombing march and rally in Sydney this afternoon. About five minutes of video can be seen on Youtube.
I'll add some more images tomorrow and make a few comments.