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May 2016

Malcolm Turnbull's done the PM thing, so what now?

We're now at the end of week three of the eight-week federal election campaign, and all the body language I see from Turnbull is the same as he has displayed for the last few months beforehand: He looks bored with the Prime Ministership. That "ok I've done this Prime Minister thing, what's next?" languidness.

Open Zika project launched on World Community Grid

I've been contributing some of my computer's idle time to the World Community Grid for about three years, helping with the computation of research tasks relating to Ebola, TB, HIV/AIDS, as well as general cancer research.
Today they've added a Zika research project and I've signed up.

Election time again... the 2016 edition

Here we go again. It may be a couple of months earlier than expected, it may be for twice as much of the Senate as expected, but we're off to another federal election. And, for the third time running, the Prime Minister at this election is not the Prime Minister Australia had at the start of this term.
